Yes, John, just like how you said it.
I'm back on the couch, all vegged-out, and totally obsessed with Heroes.

The show follows the story of several people who find out they have special powers -- flight, telepathy, superhuman strength, the ability to stop time.. These people soon realize they must band together to stop a catastrophe, and as tv cliches go, save mankind.
Before you say what I know what you're gonna say, please stop and don't think it's X-Men.
It's far from it.
What I liked about this show is that it doesn't try to stylize these seemingly ordinary people and turn them into world-saving superheroes overnight. There are no costumes involved. No capes. No dazzling special effects. Just a bunch of people trying to make sense of it all.
You have Peter Petrelli, a male nurse who can temporarily mimic the powers of others within close proximity. Claire Bennet, a cheerleader with the power of invincibility. Isaac Mendez, an artist who can paint the future when he's high. Hiro Nakamura, a Japanes comic book geek who has the ability to stop time. Matt Parkman, an LAPD cop with telekinetic powers, among others.
Heroes is one of the most engaging, nail-gripping, superbly-written shows around.
Enough with reality tv. We already live in it.
Heroes will restore your faith back in tv. Watch it.