"That does not keep me from having a terrible need of — shall I say the word — religion. Then I go out at night to paint the stars." — Vincent Van Gogh in a letter to his brother
The night sky doesn't fall short of putting up a show whenever wonder hits me and I look up to see the stars. A dancing comet.. a shooting star... a faintly glowing planet that beckons from so far..
And I marvel at how vast the universe is and how the distance from the top of my head to that of another planet is so incredibly incalculable and immense, there are simply no words to describe it. The universe is an astonishing conundrum. Our knowledge of it can only extend until the next solar system a few light years from ours. But what is beyond that? What is beyond the beyond of the other beyond? It's almost infinite.
Scientists have tried to explain the unfathomable by their theories and studies. But, is there a mathematical formula for that unbearable lightness called the sky? Hawking's study of time satisfied this curiosity.. And if his postulations are right, and, when you think about it..
Our lives are just a fraction of a millisecond in the timeline of the universe.